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We created this category so that you can see the many designs that have entered the private collections of happy women all over the world.

If you see a design you just love, call us. No two original Jewelry by Gail pieces are ever identical, but Gail is adept at incorporating the elements you admire into a piece made exclusively for you.

Meet The Staff


It was a fairy tale romance. Gail Kowalski risked it all in 1977 to come to the Outer Banks. David Stewart had been here less than 10 years when they met. There was romance at first, followed closely by the desire to start a business together. Although Gail is no longer with us, it is David's intention to honor her wish, that Jewelry by Gail will continue.  



The longest tenured and youngest of the staff, Joan is the engine that makes Jewelry by Gail go! Joan has learned that not all jewelry is created equal, and that metals in jewelry are almost never "pure". She says often that she's most fond of how there is something new to learn about jewelry and business every single day! 

 Mastering the art of hand-made jewelry and all of its intricacies is Eric's main function as the bench jeweler. In other words, he gets to play with fire, cool tools, and hammers! Eric is also an artist, contributing to the JBG Legacy collection of jewelry, having learned side by side with Gail for many years. He also deals with dangerous chemicals, and machines that make lots of noise! But that is essential when it comes to creating true works of art, and he's quite capable of keeping things under control!  Don't let Eric try and fool you: He's VERY GOOD at what he does! Repairs? Yes, design? Definitely. Wicked sense of humor? You BET! That's equally important!


Mark began "doing" Media long before there were cell phones, smart phones, or watches that tell you how unhealthy you are!! And yet, he still learns something new every single day! He had some jewelry experience prior to moving to the Outer Banks. But he had NO IDEA how many different gemstones there are! Or what the difference was between Karats and Carats!  He knows a LOT more now!!! The guy with the camera is also a decent description.


Judy shopped at Jewelry by Gail for over 20 years until Gail figured, "She should WORK here!" An overall shop interior design guru, Diamonds are definitely her best friend!  Judy also wants everyone to know that Jewelry by Gail is the best, because Gail's designs are so original!  But it's not just Gail's pieces, JBG has SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! Oh, and Judy is a laid back local who kinda likes Pearls too,...









